I know that this has little to do, if anything, with the trip to Kenya but since the school's community has supported the various appeals to raise funds for the school in Marich, it is the least I can do to support their appeal.
It works like this............
If you are a member of MySpace then click on this link http://www.myspace.com/schoolinvasions and sign in to your account and then VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for STALHAM HIGH SCHOOL.
If you are not a member of MySpace then click on this link http://www.myspace.com/schoolinvasions and register with MySpace and then VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for STALHAM HIGH SCHOOL.
So, if you read this, wherever you may live, please VOTE for STALHAM HIGH SCHOOL.
Fortunately I live 32 miles from the school and if we win, I will be out of earshot! Only Joking!
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Great News!
The numbers for the first trip have increased to 30 with the sudden interest of one more student who we welcome on board!
There are still a couple of places left in order to fill the minibuses but the closing date MUST BE this coming Friday i.e. 27th February 2009. If anyone is interested, please contact Mr. H as soon as possible.
In addition we have been told that the donation from the STALHAM SHOPPER, the proceeds from their Christmas Raffle, is £700. This is an outstanding sum which we, all of those going to Kenya in May, are most grateful to receive and personally, I am overwhelmed by the support that the Stalham Shopper has shown us.
Thank you to our newest recruit and thank you to Nigel and his staff at the Stalham Shopper.
Lastly, the draw for the Africa Week Raffle has been made and the list of prizewinners has been posted on the notice-board in the MFL Dept. and will also be published in this week's copy of the Stalham High School Herald. Please collect your prizes from Mr. H!
I will soon be able to publish, in a future BLOG entry, the total amount raised during Africa Week 2009.
There are still a couple of places left in order to fill the minibuses but the closing date MUST BE this coming Friday i.e. 27th February 2009. If anyone is interested, please contact Mr. H as soon as possible.
In addition we have been told that the donation from the STALHAM SHOPPER, the proceeds from their Christmas Raffle, is £700. This is an outstanding sum which we, all of those going to Kenya in May, are most grateful to receive and personally, I am overwhelmed by the support that the Stalham Shopper has shown us.
Thank you to our newest recruit and thank you to Nigel and his staff at the Stalham Shopper.
Lastly, the draw for the Africa Week Raffle has been made and the list of prizewinners has been posted on the notice-board in the MFL Dept. and will also be published in this week's copy of the Stalham High School Herald. Please collect your prizes from Mr. H!
I will soon be able to publish, in a future BLOG entry, the total amount raised during Africa Week 2009.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Before the rumours get out of control and before any irate parents hear those rumours, YES, the cost of the trip HAS increased by £1,000. However, that is £1,000 for the trip in total, NOT £1,000 per student. Therefore it is about £30 per student.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Credit Crunch
Sitting back, just enjoying the thought of being south of the Equator, in Kenya, in a little over 13 weeks and it suddenly struck me.....................
The pound has lost about one third of its value in relation to the US Dollar and about the same in relation to the Kenyan Shilling. When I first proposed this trip the £:US$ rate was about 1:2 and the Pound:KSh rate was about 1:135................. now they are 1:1.40 & 1:105 respectively.
The bottom line is that the EXTRAS that were budgeted for will now cost an extra £1,000!
Therefore we need to do something to fundraise the difference.
Don't forget the upcoming packing sessions at Tesco Stalham. The first is on Saturday 28th March and the second is on Saturday 4th April.
PUT THESE DATES IN YOUR DIARIES.................... it would be nice to think that we could claw back a considerable proportion of the 'LOSS', if not ALL of it! Therefore we need at least 10 people for each shift.
The pound has lost about one third of its value in relation to the US Dollar and about the same in relation to the Kenyan Shilling. When I first proposed this trip the £:US$ rate was about 1:2 and the Pound:KSh rate was about 1:135................. now they are 1:1.40 & 1:105 respectively.
The bottom line is that the EXTRAS that were budgeted for will now cost an extra £1,000!
Therefore we need to do something to fundraise the difference.
Don't forget the upcoming packing sessions at Tesco Stalham. The first is on Saturday 28th March and the second is on Saturday 4th April.
PUT THESE DATES IN YOUR DIARIES.................... it would be nice to think that we could claw back a considerable proportion of the 'LOSS', if not ALL of it! Therefore we need at least 10 people for each shift.
Credit Crunch,
Exchange Rates,
Tesco Stalham
Friday, 20 February 2009
13+ Weeks to go and SO MUCH TO DO!
I now realise what people meant when they said (and continue to do so!!) that I must be mad to organise this trip.................. and that was when I was proposing just the one trip!
Now that I have two on the go, does that make me madder or even more mad or just INSANE!
What do you think?
Personally I'll let you know at the end of July when I return from the Year 11 Field Trip!.................. that's if I'm not sectioned before then!
On a more positive note.............. coach transport for the May/June Trip has been organised!
............ and the deposit for the Year 11 Field Trip (HOLIDAY!) has been paid!
Now that I have two on the go, does that make me madder or even more mad or just INSANE!
What do you think?
Personally I'll let you know at the end of July when I return from the Year 11 Field Trip!.................. that's if I'm not sectioned before then!
On a more positive note.............. coach transport for the May/June Trip has been organised!
............ and the deposit for the Year 11 Field Trip (HOLIDAY!) has been paid!
Kenya Field Trip,
Stalham High School
Saturday, 14 February 2009

Today I received an interesting E-mail from Janet Ilott. She works for a charitable organization in Nakuru called The Bliss Women and Children Project. She has invited us to visit the project when we are in Nakuru.
Subject to the time available, on our return to Nakuru from Marich, I think that a visit will be most beneficial.
Here is a copy of Janet's E-mail...........
Hi Martyn,
This morning I came across your blog about your school's upcoming visit to Kenya, and, well, thought I would drop you an email. I saw that you are planning to come to Nakuru to visit the national park - and I'd like to invite your class to come and visit the charity I work for. It's called the Bliss Women and Children Project (www.blisswomenandchildrenproject.org). We are located in Keptembwo, an area of Nakuru, and we work with women and children who are living in extreme poverty, infected/affected by HIV/AIDS, orphaned, widowed etc. Having said that, it's a very happy place, where we are working to improve the lives of over a hundred women and 80 children. We would be thrilled to receive you - and I think it might be a good opportunity for your students as well.
Anyways, please let me know what you think!
Janet Ilott
Bliss Women and Children Project
The link to their group is as follows:
The Bliss Women and Children Project
Stalham High School,
The Bliss Women and Children Project
Sunday, 8 February 2009
VOLUME- Norfolk's FREE Music E-Magazine
What a small world in which we live!?!?
In VOLUME, the VOLUNTEERING AND MUSIC E-MAGAZINE there is an article, albeit brief, about a volunteer, Amy Wilkes, who travelled to the school in Marich for which we have, and continue to raise money. In the article there is a link to one of my YouTube Videos. At least the name of Marich is getting some much needed airing and publicity as well as some well needed attention.
In additon a Google search of Marich and Stalham reveals a hell of a lot of links to this BLOG as well as to other websites which in turn have links to all the YouTube Videos.
A Small World indeed!
In VOLUME, the VOLUNTEERING AND MUSIC E-MAGAZINE there is an article, albeit brief, about a volunteer, Amy Wilkes, who travelled to the school in Marich for which we have, and continue to raise money. In the article there is a link to one of my YouTube Videos. At least the name of Marich is getting some much needed airing and publicity as well as some well needed attention.
In additon a Google search of Marich and Stalham reveals a hell of a lot of links to this BLOG as well as to other websites which in turn have links to all the YouTube Videos.
A Small World indeed!
I have just uploaded the video of the Marich Early Childhood Development and Primary School in West Pokot, Kenya. This video was shown at Stalham High School's Assemblies during Africa Week (see below).
This is the link to the video on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTFn5IJe6hQ
This is the video...............
This is the link to the video on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTFn5IJe6hQ
This is the video...............
Fundraising Events
Africa Week, which will stretch into a second week (me thinks it should have been called Africa FORTNIGHT!!), was very successful.
The update as to what has happened in Marich over the last year was well received by each year group at the respective assemblies. The video is to follow.............. apologies for the poor sound quality, dire editing and squeaky tripod........... it's clear that Spielberg has nothing to lose sleep over and Oscar/BAFTA Nominations are nothing more than a pipedream!
African Food Day on Wednesday went down well. Everything was sold and thoroughly enjoyed by those who got to taste some of the fare on offer.
Takings from the African Market were down on last year but the event was enthusiastically supported by many students.
MUFTI Day on Friday 6th February was, as expected, the high point of the week with all students wholeheartedly enjoying the opportunity to wear what they wanted without fear of recrimination!
The RAFFLE sales were poor but sanction has been given to sell through until the end of Half Term............... not only does this provide time to sell more tickets but also for Amazon to get the prizes to me!
Finally, the Quiz Night, organized by Angie and Will Johnson and held at Catfield Primary School, saw almost 50 people enjoy 10 closely fought topic rounds. The top 4 places were separated by only 8 points. I had a fantastic evening just realizing how little I did know and meeting others who had come out on a freezing damp night to support the Stalham High School Field Trip to Kenya. Wine and other beverages flowed, fish and chips were downed, raffle tickets purchased, good humored rivalry developed and some barracking ensued........................ however everything was good spirited and everyone, I think, had a good time supporting this very worthwhile cause.
The total raised is yet to be finalized but will include over £40 from Raffle Ticket Sales and the African Market.
Thanks Angie & Will for organizing the event and to everyone that came along.
The Total, to date, from the Stalham High School Event is over £600............... watch this space for the final total.
The update as to what has happened in Marich over the last year was well received by each year group at the respective assemblies. The video is to follow.............. apologies for the poor sound quality, dire editing and squeaky tripod........... it's clear that Spielberg has nothing to lose sleep over and Oscar/BAFTA Nominations are nothing more than a pipedream!
African Food Day on Wednesday went down well. Everything was sold and thoroughly enjoyed by those who got to taste some of the fare on offer.
Takings from the African Market were down on last year but the event was enthusiastically supported by many students.
MUFTI Day on Friday 6th February was, as expected, the high point of the week with all students wholeheartedly enjoying the opportunity to wear what they wanted without fear of recrimination!
The RAFFLE sales were poor but sanction has been given to sell through until the end of Half Term............... not only does this provide time to sell more tickets but also for Amazon to get the prizes to me!
Finally, the Quiz Night, organized by Angie and Will Johnson and held at Catfield Primary School, saw almost 50 people enjoy 10 closely fought topic rounds. The top 4 places were separated by only 8 points. I had a fantastic evening just realizing how little I did know and meeting others who had come out on a freezing damp night to support the Stalham High School Field Trip to Kenya. Wine and other beverages flowed, fish and chips were downed, raffle tickets purchased, good humored rivalry developed and some barracking ensued........................ however everything was good spirited and everyone, I think, had a good time supporting this very worthwhile cause.
The total raised is yet to be finalized but will include over £40 from Raffle Ticket Sales and the African Market.
Thanks Angie & Will for organizing the event and to everyone that came along.
The Total, to date, from the Stalham High School Event is over £600............... watch this space for the final total.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Stalham High School is proud to announce AFRICA WEEK 2009.
During the week, commencing 2nd February 2009, a number of events have been organized to raise awareness of the focus of the school's fundraising efforts over the last 18 months.
At daily assemblies each year group will be updated as to how the funds, raised to date, are being put to good use. In addition there will be the opportunity of seeing video footage of the Marich Early Childhood Development and Primary School (MECDPS), its students and the surrounding area, filmed in July 2008.
There will also be an African Market held daily in the school hall. From the market students will be able to purchase small items of jewellery, handmade soap, batiks and other handcrafts imported from Kenya. All proceeds from the market will go directly to benefit the students of the MEDCPS.
A raffle will be run with prizes of DVD's, Books and other items selected from the African Market.
On Wednesday there is an African themed food day. Students will be offered the opportunity to sample some traditional African foods in addition to the Refectory's regular fare. There will be MANDAZIS (doughnuts) on offer at breaktime and African KUKU STEW (Chicken Stew) served with WALI WA NAZI (Coconut Rice) on the menu at lunchtime.
Some students will also, on Wednesday, have a timetable change with SWAHILI being taught instead of French.
The event will culminate with a MUFTI DAY (Non-uniform Day) being held on Friday 6th February.
It would be nice to think that we can do better than the £1,100 that was raised in a similar event in 2007/08!
Oh yes........... almost forgot there is also the QUIZ NIGHT on Saturday 7th Feb in aid of those traveling to Kenya. See the details below.
Please support this worthwhile event, dig deep and give generously.
During the week, commencing 2nd February 2009, a number of events have been organized to raise awareness of the focus of the school's fundraising efforts over the last 18 months.
At daily assemblies each year group will be updated as to how the funds, raised to date, are being put to good use. In addition there will be the opportunity of seeing video footage of the Marich Early Childhood Development and Primary School (MECDPS), its students and the surrounding area, filmed in July 2008.
There will also be an African Market held daily in the school hall. From the market students will be able to purchase small items of jewellery, handmade soap, batiks and other handcrafts imported from Kenya. All proceeds from the market will go directly to benefit the students of the MEDCPS.
A raffle will be run with prizes of DVD's, Books and other items selected from the African Market.
On Wednesday there is an African themed food day. Students will be offered the opportunity to sample some traditional African foods in addition to the Refectory's regular fare. There will be MANDAZIS (doughnuts) on offer at breaktime and African KUKU STEW (Chicken Stew) served with WALI WA NAZI (Coconut Rice) on the menu at lunchtime.
Some students will also, on Wednesday, have a timetable change with SWAHILI being taught instead of French.
The event will culminate with a MUFTI DAY (Non-uniform Day) being held on Friday 6th February.
It would be nice to think that we can do better than the £1,100 that was raised in a similar event in 2007/08!
Oh yes........... almost forgot there is also the QUIZ NIGHT on Saturday 7th Feb in aid of those traveling to Kenya. See the details below.
Please support this worthwhile event, dig deep and give generously.
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