Friday 5 December 2008

Today....................2 MEETINGS and....................2 TRIPS

Today there were two meeting held at school.

The first was to see if there was continuing support from the Year 11's for a trip to Kenya in July. Although the numbers who originally showed interest had dropped there is still sufficient enthusiasm for a trip to go ahead.

It is proposed that this trip will depart on 18th July or thereabouts, subject to availability of flights, follow the same itinerary, as detailed below, subject to a bit of tweaking, and cost £1,499 per person exclusive of jabs and spending money. 

If there are any more students, in addition to the 9 who have signed up, who are interested, please see Mr. H.

The second meeting was held for those participants of the May/June Field Trip. It was somewhat disappointing that NOT all students attended although some had not been informed of the meeting!

The agenda was as follows:-
1 Attendance at meetings.
2 Payments and receipts
3 T-Shirt design.
4 E-mail addresses.
5 Fundraising - Tesco packing.

Meetings have been poorly attended and it was stressed that attendance was imperative as these meetings were arranged to pass on vital information.

Payments need to be up to date and receipts for payments made could be collected from Mr.H.

Students were reminded to submit designs for the front of the T-shirts to be sponsored by Meteor Parking. These should be submitted ASAP otherwise we will utilise the services of the school's Art teacher.

E-mail addresses are needed in order to convey urgent information to parents both prior to and during the field trip. However, after numerous requests, less than half the students have provided a valid E-mail address. These need to be in before Christmas.

It is proposed to ask the local Tesco Store to allow us to fundraise within the store on Saturday 13th December. The fundraising will be by means of a packing service provided for Tesco customers. As such, volunteers are needed for that day. The students were reminded that unless they participated in the fundraising events, they wouldn't benefit from the proceeds.

The issue of inoculations/immunizations was also raised and it cannot be overly stressed about the importance of getting these done at the earliest opportunity in order for them to be fully effective during the trip.

Watch this space for more details.

Provisional booking will be made on Monday 8th December.

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