Sunday 8 February 2009

Fundraising Events

Africa Week, which will stretch into a second week (me thinks it should have been called Africa FORTNIGHT!!), was very successful.

The update as to what has happened in Marich over the last year was well received by each year group at the respective assemblies. The video is to follow.............. apologies for the poor sound quality, dire editing and squeaky tripod........... it's clear that Spielberg has nothing to lose sleep over and Oscar/BAFTA Nominations are nothing more than a pipedream!

African Food Day on Wednesday went down well. Everything was sold and thoroughly enjoyed by those who got to taste some of the fare on offer.

Takings from the African Market were down on last year but the event was enthusiastically supported by many students.

MUFTI Day on Friday 6th February was, as expected, the high point of the week with all students wholeheartedly enjoying the opportunity to wear what they wanted without fear of recrimination!

The RAFFLE sales were poor but sanction has been given to sell through until the end of Half Term............... not only does this provide time to sell more tickets but also for Amazon to get the prizes to me!

Finally, the Quiz Night, organized by Angie and Will Johnson and held at Catfield Primary School, saw almost 50 people enjoy 10 closely fought topic rounds. The top 4 places were separated by only 8 points. I had a fantastic evening just realizing how little I did know and meeting others who had come out on a freezing damp night to support the Stalham High School Field Trip to Kenya. Wine and other beverages flowed, fish and chips were downed, raffle tickets purchased, good humored rivalry developed and some barracking ensued........................ however everything was good spirited and everyone, I think, had a good time supporting this very worthwhile cause.

The total raised is yet to be finalized but will include over £40 from Raffle Ticket Sales and the African Market.

Thanks Angie & Will for organizing the event and to everyone that came along.

The Total, to date, from the Stalham High School Event is over £600............... watch this space for the final total.

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