Electricity may (or may NOT!) be available from the Kenya National Grid when we get to Marich although there will be a limited generator supply in the evenings by which to charge those phones, camera batteries and, Heaven forbid, iPods! During my 2 day visit to Marich at the end of July 2008 there was evidence of poles being erected and cables linking them together. All it would appear that was needed was that final hook up to the supply that is available a distance to the east of Marich. This supply is generated at the Hydo-Electric Power Scheme about 30 miles to the north west of Marich in Naselot District at the Turkwell Dam. This is an impressive dam which has formed a spectacular lake behind it where the dam stopped the flow of the Turkwell River.
We will be visiting the spectacular piece of engineering during our visit and this will incorporate an opporturinty to view the turbine house built deep underground below the dam where the electricity is actually generated.
A visit to a HEP Scheme may not be everybody's cup of tea but at least it provides some respite to the heat outside in the semi-arid area bordering Turkana District.

Access to the Dam and the HEP Scheme is made by passing through Naselot National Reserve where game (wild animals) may be seen......................... not that I've seen more than elephant droppings and heard the sound of a lion roar during a number of visits that I've made to the area. However, this time I, and the others, may be pleasantly surprised!
This is one of two reserves in the area, the other being the South Turkana National Reserve to the northeast of Naselot.
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