Sunday, 22 March 2009


The departure date looms................... a little over 9 weeks to go!

'Work' continues behind the scenes in order to achieve our aims of offering and providing a life changing experience which all the participants will hold as treasured memories for years to come.

My only hope is that there are no hiccoughs, hold ups, bureaucratic interventions, changes or upsets between now and when we go............................. fingers crossed!!!

All the necessary paperwork should be completed and submitted no later than Monday 30th March 2009. This is includes a copy of the participant's passport. Without these the student will be prevented from going............... NOT my rules!

Letters will be sent out this week, from school, to parents who have not submitted the necessary forms etc. together with the blank forms that are required.

Please also ensure that all vaccinations and inoculations are completed before our departure and the student is aware of the importance of taking Anti-malarials at a set time each day. May I suggest that all students take their tablets at the same time each day............... 19:00 hrs, so that we can instruct and monitor the taking of the tablets whilst in Kenya in order to minimise the chance of contracting Malaria.

Finally, it is important that everything detailed on the equipment list is carried and. as such, parents should be starting to bag up these items and tick them off the checklist as they are bagged! Further copies of the checklist are available from Mr. H.

Last, but not least, a number of parents commented that they had never received a copy of the Kenya Information Pack for Parents which I thought was given out to all students last year. If you have not had a copy, please accept my apologies for this oversight. Most of the details from this pack can be found on the BLOG but if you require a hardcopy, once again please contact Mr. H and I'll make arrangements to get one to you.

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