Thursday, 28 May 2009

The First 3 Days

Firstly Sorry for not having updated this since we all departed but you will have to understand, as I now do, that the interent is still a luxury in Kenya!

We all arrived safely if somewhat jaded after the long journey here but all intact and in one piece!

We first travelled to Laken elementaita where we had the opportunity to freshen up before lunch and also to stretch our tired and restricted legs.

Lunch at the lLodge was excellent as were the views across Lake Elementaita with its Flamingoes.

After lunch it was off to Nakuru NP which did not let us down although the time in the park, due to the delay iun obtaining tickets, DID!

We saw Rhino, Flamingo (millions!), Pelican, Baboon and many more ...... too many to merntion.

Had a realtive early night in the lodge after a good dinner and a brief dane exhibition by the maasai which some of the students joined in.

After the dance, it was bed for all of us followed by a damn god night's sleep..... we all needed it desperately.

After a 7 am call we had breakfast and headed for Marich.

We are all still in one piece as are the vehicles and currently typing this from Eldoret some 4-5 hours from MArich and we need to move to get there before dark!

Will write again when I have the chance........................ but suffice to say we are all having a fantastic time and the real fun starts now!

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