Students to follow all rules of M.P.F.S.C. and from the Teachers.
Students to listen to what they are told.
Students must not leave the Study Centre site unaccompanied.
Students must not enter the river or its vicinity unaccompanied.
The use of iPods/radios/walkmans during the day is not permitted.
Students must ensure that sufficient drinking water is carried when away from the centre.
Students must ensure that they wear a hat when working/walking in the sun.
Students are responsible for their own personal belongings including clothes, cameras, jewellery etc.
N.B. Neither SHS nor M.P.F.S.C. can accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.
After 18.00 hrs, long sleeves and long trousers must be worn by students and insect repellent must be applied.
Anti-malarial tablets must be taken as prescribed by those students whose parents want this protection.
Students must, at night, use the Mosquito nets provided.
Students must take great care when handling the paraffin lamps provided at M.P.F.S.C.
When travelling through towns and cities, keep windows on the mini-buses closed at all times. Do NOT lean out of the windows and do NOT put hands/arms out of the window.
No Smoking or Drinking.
Footwear should be worn at all times whilst walking, due to thorns.
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