Whilst trawling through the Web, I was astounded at the number of pictures one can find when searching under POKOT or MARICH PASS.
I have attempted to contact those who own the copyright to the following photos, to no avail, but hope that they do not mind that I have used them to promote West Pokot and Marich Pass. I am most grateful for them as they really give the feel for the area.
There is one Photo (See above - top), of the five Pokot Women in traditional dress, for which copyright is owned by Dr. Robert T. and Margaret Orr © California Academy of Sciences. I am again most grateful for its use and acknowledge their rights.
In addition, I came across a site, during my hours of surfing, which relates to the many bridges that have been constructed across the rivers in West Pokot and elsewhere in Kenya. These bridges allow for the safe passage of people across rivers which at times are impassable and are at best treacherous. They have been built across the Wei Wei and the Moruny Rivers, which both flow within a short distance of the Field Studies Centre with the Moruny flowing past the Studies Centre. The organisation concerned is named Bridging the Gap.
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